Ivar Roth D.P.M., M.P.H. Ivar Roth D.P.M., M.P.H.

What is a Medical Pedicure at Concierge Podiatry & Spa?

A Medical Pedicure at Concierge Podiatry and Spa, also known as a podiatry pedicure or a medical routine foot care treatment, is a specialized procedure performed by trained professionals….

Also known as a podiatry pedicure or a podiatry routine foot care treatment, a Medical Pedicure is a specialized procedure performed by trained professionals, often podiatrists or foot care specialists. Unlike traditional pedicures offered at spas or nail salons, a Medical Pedicure at Concierge focuses on addressing foot health issues and providing therapeutic care that is not within the scope of a pedicurist, for instance thick toenails and deep rooted corns and calluses. 

During Concierge’s Medical Pedicure, the professional assesses the condition of the feet, looking for any signs of infection, inflammation, or other abnormalities. Nails will be cut, shaped and then burred smoothed with a HEPA vacuum attached to a special  diamond fan burr which sucks away all the harmful dust.  Calluses and corns are shaved down  with a scalpel. Chronic non infected ingrown toenails are also addressed if present. Finally treatment options for conditions like fungal infections or plantar warts are evaluated and discussed.

Importantly, Medical Pedicures prioritize hygiene and safety measures to prevent the spread of infections. Instruments are properly sanitized or sterilized.

Overall, a Medical Pedicure aims to improve foot health, alleviate discomfort, and enhance the overall well-being of the patient. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes, circulatory issues, or other conditions that require extra attention to foot care.

Here at Concierge Podiatry we are experts in providing Medical Pedicures and we welcome you to make an appointment. We also offer home calls for Medical Pedicures in the immediate area upon request.

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